Whether you’ve been going to church for years, visited our church for special services or if this is your first time exploring Christianity – you will find a warm welcome at St Mary’s Bocking.
I’m The Very Revd Rod Reid, and it is my privilege to serve the parish and community as Dean. I am now in my 10th year and loving every minute of it.
St Mary's really is for everyone, so please explore our new website to find out all about our rich history, our worship, our links to the community, for more information on Weddings and Baptisms, plus much more.
We are home to a large, friendly and diverse group of Christians that aim to be:
Warm and accepting,
Child friendly,
Vibrant, reflective and reverent in worship,
Thoughtful in our faith,
Serving the wider world.
A Church building has stood on this site for over a thousand years, here people have sought and found God and supported each other in faith and fellowship.
How we might be able to help you, whatever your hopes or your circumstances.
We are committed to serving the community and value each individual person. There is a welcome for everyone at St. Mary's and we are happy to deal with your enquiries, contacts, questions and offers of support. We look forward to hearing from you or meeting you.
We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Therefore the PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding
Nicola Jaynes is our Parish Safeguarding Representative to contact her please use 01376 553092 or send us an email using our contact page.
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal, and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales or the Church in Wales.
8.00am Said Mass 10.00am Sung Mass
(Sunday Club meets in the Church Hall on 1st Sunday of the month)
Tuesday 9am Morning Prayer
Tuesday 7.00pm Said Mass / Night Prayer
Wednesday 9.30am Said Mass
Thursday 9am Morning Prayer
The Church and Hall have easy access for all and there are toilets in the Church Hall.
St. Mary's is fitted with a Loop System, turn Hearing Aids to the T position.
Large print versions of the News Sheet and Service Booklet are available on request.
We welcome people of all ages and toys are available for babies and children.
During the long and interesting history of St Mary's Church a vast number of people have come through its doors to be joined together in marriage.
A marriage is between two individuals who are in love and want to make commitments to each other for the rest of their lives. Surrounding a couple getting married are their families and friends and so in church we come together as a community as a couple make their vows in the sight of God.
Weddings are an important part of our ministry today and the clergy are always happy to discuss personal circumstances and wishes with couples who are planning a marriage
A christening - or holy baptism - is a very special event – it marks the beginning of a journey of faith and it tells the story of God’s love for your child through water, the signing of the cross and the giving of a lighted candle. It is the moment when an individual "joins" the Church and becomes a member of the Christian community throughout the world.
At St Mary's we take seriously our responsibilities to welcome all who wish to take this important step and we are keen to respond positively to all enquiries. Baptism is usually administered on a Sunday either at the 10.00am morning service or at a separate service during the afternoon. The service is rich in symbolism and allows parents and God-parents to celebrate the birth of a child and begin his or her journey through faith to a deeper relationship with God.
Of course adults are often baptised too. It is never too late and we will be happy to discuss your situation with you.
St. Mary’s Choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music. Its main purpose is to lead the worship every Sunday at the 10.00 service of Sung Mass.
Choir practice is normally held every Friday evening from 7.30-8.30 pm.
We are always happy to welcome new members, young or old! You don’t have to read music –
just as long as you enjoy singing. So if you fancy joining us please contact the Director of Music, Gareth Bennett,
after any Sunday service at coffee.
As St Mary’s is one of the most popular venues in Essex for weddings – the choir is available to enhance the services, singing a wide range of suitable music for the occasion. We can also provide soloists (singers and instrumentalists) if required.
The organ is a fine two-manual instrument by Norman & Beard built in 1905. It has 9 speaking stops on the Great Organ, 9 on the Swell Organ and 4 on the Pedal Organ. The action throughout is tubular-pneumatic. The organ was fully restored in 2002 by The Village Workshop, Finchingfield.
St. Mary's has 10 bells – the oldest bell dates from 1682, the newest from 1973.
The bells are rung for morning services every Sunday from 9.30am to 10.00am and for services to mark celebrations in the Church year, such as Easter and Christmas. We also ring for weddings throughout the year.
Some of the band are experienced ringers, who have been ringing for many years, but we also have a number of learners at various stages from learning the basic techniques of bellhandling to those starting to ring methods such as Grandshire Doubles.
Our practice night is on the first Thursday of the month from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Anyone who is interested in learning to ring or would like to see how it is done, is welcome to drop in to practice night.

St. Mary's Church is greatly blessed in the financial support which it enjoys from a large number of parishioners and supporters. However, to maintain such a beautiful and ancient church for the community, we do have to find additional sources of funding.
We are tremendously grateful to all who contribute regularly and so generously to Church Funds but a quick calculation shows that it costs over £250 per day to keep St Mary's Church open and in business. This is just to keep standing still and does not cover the costs of new initiatives or the Restoration of the Building or Church Organ.
You can help by either:
Contributing to our appeal funds,
Supporting our fund-raising activities,
Making a Covenent in favour of St. Mary's Church, or
Remembering us in your Will.